Team: Kansas NEA Volunteers

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Election Metrics for Kansas NEA Volunteers

Overall Metrics

481 / 497Contacts Registered To Vote
35%Low Propensity
175 / 497Contacts with a voter propensity of 2 or lower.

Municipal General 202311/07/2023

254 / 497Contacts who have voted
5%VBM Request
23 / 497Contacts who have requested to vote by mail

Municipal Primary 202308/01/2023

71 / 497Contacts who have voted
0%VBM Request
0 / 497Contacts who have requested to vote by mail

Top Ambassadors By Low Propensity Voters

Top Ambassadors By Low Propensity Voters
Name Team Count
Sarah MeyerKansas NEA Volunteers66
Sherri SchwanzKansas NEA Volunteers40
Andrea MickKansas NEA Volunteers14
Terry ForsythKansas NEA Volunteers5
Traci MeyerKansas NEA Volunteers4
Leanne Richardson Kansas NEA Volunteers4
Hannah GrimmettKansas NEA Volunteers3
Genie ScrutonKansas NEA Volunteers3
Lori GreenfieldKansas NEA Volunteers3
Marcus BaltzellKansas NEA Volunteers3