Team: Joy for Kansas

Make it your mission to ensure all those you care about vote this year. Studies show that the best way to increase voter turnout is by creating a plan to vote. Voter to Voter helps you see which of your friends are most likely to need a push to cast their vote.

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Election Metrics for Joy for Kansas

Overall Metrics

461 / 466Contacts Registered To Vote
36%Low Propensity
170 / 466Contacts with a voter propensity of 2 or lower.

Municipal General 202311/07/2023

274 / 466Contacts who have voted
19%VBM Request
89 / 466Contacts who have requested to vote by mail

Municipal Primary 202308/01/2023

6 / 466Contacts who have voted
0%VBM Request
0 / 466Contacts who have requested to vote by mail

Top Ambassadors By Low Propensity Voters

Top Ambassadors By Low Propensity Voters
Name Team Count
Lori FerrisJoy for Kansas32
Karen DivelbissJoy for Kansas15
Joanie NicholasJoy for Kansas12
Sara EskilsonJoy for Kansas11
Annie WishnaJoy for Kansas11
Jenny LillisJoy for Kansas9
Cynthia YinJoy for Kansas8
Debra JarvisJoy for Kansas7
Christine BrushJoy for Kansas7
Karen LoggiaJoy for Kansas7